Friday, June 11, 2010

garden progress

So I finally had the time to make my new railing boxes inspired by the 6x8 garden.

As you can see I decided to keep the smaller box with the not so pretty railing holder and we still have the plywood backers to prop up all the railboxes.... oh well. I still like that we have more planting space on the deck.  
I rearranged some plants and added some new things like a strawberry plant and some carrot seeds!

I took the cilantro out of this rail box since it was getting too much sun and replaced it with another sage plant.  

The bolted arugula came out of this shallow container and I transplanted my mini roses into it. 

I moved the chives to a rail box and moved the cilantro to the pot to the right so it's more in the shade.  Hopefully it does a little better in its new home.  I also planted some snow pea seeds in the big container to the left.  I don't know if I'm too late planting them, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

The broccoli in the bed out front was growing quite nicely, so we harvested it and ate it with dinner!

One cauliflower plant isn't looking so hot, but the second one is thriving and has a little head growing.

We've been having salads almost daily as things keep growing!  The arugula is bolting, so I planted more seeds, even though we're approaching summer, I figure that bed stays in the shade for the majority of the day so it could be ok for a bit of time.

The tomato plant is slowly growing (very slowly it seems).
And that's about it for the garden! 

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good! I'm so jealous of your salad greens.
