Monday, February 21, 2011

.11 for 2011. update

  1. Cut back on alcohol.  Both for health/weight and money savings.
  2. Work out to my new dvds, the Exhale: Core Fusion Collection at least two times a week (ideally three times).  (so far so good!)
  3. Try at least one new restaurant a month.  (Jan-Jules Maes; Feb-Via Tribunali, Kingfish Cafe, Book Bindery, Eddies Trackside)
  4. Read at least one book a month.  (Jan-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Feb-Cannibal Killers)
  5. Knit a scarf with nice yarn.    
  6. Work on Darwin's training.  I've been slacking on working with her and really want to improve her recall.  
  7. Trim Darwin's toe nails more consistently.  Darwin hates when we trim her nails and so we usually go long periods without a nail trim.  She went to the boarder over Christmas and came back with nice short nails.  Now to keep them short.
  8. Go hiking (snow shoeing in the winter) at least once a month.  Besides the exercise aspect of it (for us and Darwin) it'll be good to explore the area.  Embrace our inner Pacific Northwesterner.  (Jan-Gold Creek snowshoe; Feb-Lake Wenatchee (failed snowshoeing))
  9. Call home at least once a month.  
  10. Limit my shopping (clothes/shoes) to $500 or less for the year. ($410 left! winter boots + gift cards = $70, BR jeans = $20)
  11. Do at least one house cleaning activity during the week (sweeping, mopping, clean the bathroom, etc).  Jason likes to do all the cleaning on the weekend.  It'd be nice to have one less thing/area to clean so we can have more weekend time.