so our coworkers great danes had a litter of pups... a huge litter. 18 to be exact (tho one was still born and another passed away after a couple days).... so 16 pups and a mom who couldnt feed them all, so i volunteered be a foster mom and bottle feed four of them... after a week four became a handful so we went down to two... four weeks later, weve decided to adopt one of them....
meet darwin:

29 things to do before turning 30 - gives me a year and a half:(i think with the economy in the state its in... all items below that cost money may have to be put on hold til things are more stable)1. visit at least 5 "middle" states (1. indiana, 2. michigan)2. go rock climbing3. pay off all loans (loan one paid off - dec 2008)4. start licensing exams (i may need to shoot for completing my idp forms first)5. read the pillars of the earth (started!)6. cook lasagna from scratch 7. buy flowers for myself at least once a quarter (nov - tulips, dec - christmas tree)8. save money9. make an amigurumi10. work out at least 3 times a week11. treat myself to a massage at least once a year12. take at least one international vacation (cambodia?)13. take a pottery class14. bike the burke-gilman trail15. spend a day in west seattle16. do a real detox (dr natura... cant say it did much)17. knit a scarf18. purge the closet (dressers & shoe racks too)19. visit the olympic peninsula20. go to whistler21. go fishing22. have dinner at canlis23. visit the capilano suspension bridge24. watch a live nfl game (steelers would be good, but id settle for the seahawks)25. learn how to turn (all the way around) on a snowboard26. go camping27. buy a gift for no reason for three friends28. use my dutch oven at least once a month (at least when its cold) (oct - pot roast; nov - beef stew, lasgna meat sauce)29. get a kitty (a kitty turned into a puppy)