Monday, June 28, 2010


Jason thought I wouldn't be able to get strawberries with them planted in a rail box.... but lookie here!

I think I may eat it soon! 
The first row of carrots are growing as well.

I think I need to thin them out as some of the sprouts look pretty close together.  I think I'll plant another row too.
This is probably a big no-no in the gardening world, but in one of the rail boxes I wasn't sure what to plant, but wanted to plant something, and we had a ziplock bag of mixed seeds from seeds that had fallen out of their pouches (they have since been moved to glass jars).  I figured they were mostly salad greens (spinach, lettuce and arugula) but they could be lavender seeds as well.  hehehe.  Well, things have sprouted and for the most part they look like I was right with the salad green guess.

Me + Basil doesn't seem to be a good combination.  I've tried basil from seeds, and basil from two different starters and they all seem to be struggling.  Any advice?
My peas are quickly growing, but I think it's time to pull out some green onions and even the spinach that is sharing the container as it's all looking a bit cozy.

I've got some new things in the mail today and more container ideas in the works.  Stay tuned for more updates to my balcony garden!

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